Who We Are

Vastech consultants and Engineers Pvt. Ltd. is a structural design firm based out of Pune. Our fully equipped design studio is in Pune and all our designs and drawings for all projects across the country are produced out of this studio. In all other locations we have coordination staff for site visits and attending meetings with clients and architects. We have already delivered designs for more than 100 million sft. Currently Vastech team is engaged in designing about 50 million sft of buildings. We provide design solutions for all types of buildings.

Our Quality

Every project is evaluated at a concept level and various feasible alternatives are put forward to the architect & client along with a thorough cost analysis.


We continue to developing our capabilities in line with the needs of the structure, the architect and the client.


The capabilities of computers are tremendous and are a huge help when it comes to accurate analysis, designs , estimations and drafting.


Awards are small motivations to keep on resetting our benchmarks.

About us

Vastech has an excellent work culture with a environment that promotes learning and creativity, still ensuring thorough checks on each others work within the company. We have a team that is motivated and focused at all times. The senior associates in the firm ensure a stringent training process for any new recruit so that the Vastech design method as well as the Vastech culture are transferred as fast as possible.

We thrive on our ability to exceed our clients expectations once appointed. The quality of service provided is unparalleled and every single client of ours will vouch for that.

400 Projects Completed
320 Happy Clients
16 Awards Received

Our Projects

Our Services

Proof Checking
Design & Bulid
Formwork Design
Structural Costing